Tab 1
此 Demo 展示如何插入公式到 Excel 并计算公式。
Mathematic Functions:
Calculate symbol : | Calculate Data: |
Logic Function:
Calculate symbol : | Calculate Data: |
Simple Expression:
Calculate symbol : | Calculate Data: |
MID Functions:
Text : | Start Number: |
Number Charts: |
Excel Version: |
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Tab 2
using Spire.Xls;
namespace DemoOnlineCode
class CalculateFormulas
public void demoCalculateFormulas(string resultFile)
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Calculate(workbook, sheet);
workbook.SaveToFile(resultFile, ExcelVersion.Version2010);
public void Calculate(Workbook workbook, Worksheet sheet)
int currentRow = 1;
string currentFormula = string.Empty;
object formulaResult = null;
string value = string.Empty;
// Set width respectively of Column A ,Column B,Column C
sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 32);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 16);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 16);
//Set the value of Cell A1
sheet.Range[currentRow++, 1].Value = "Examples of formulas :";
// Set the value of Cell A2
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Value = "Test data:";
// Set the style of Cell A1
CellRange range = sheet.Range["A1"];
range.Style.Font.IsBold = true;
range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid;
range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1;
range.Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium;
// Additive operation of mutiple cells
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].NumberValue = 7.3;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 3].NumberValue = 5;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 4].NumberValue = 8.2;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 5].NumberValue = 4;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 6].NumberValue = 3;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 7].NumberValue = 11.3;
// Create arithmetic expression string about cells
currentFormula = "=Sheet1!$B$3 + Sheet1!$C$3+Sheet1!$D$3+Sheet1!$E$3+Sheet1!$F$3+Sheet1!$G$3";
//Caculate arithmetic expression about cells
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
// Set the value and format of two head cell
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Value = "Formulas"; ;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = "Results";
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right;
range = sheet.Range[currentRow, 1, currentRow, 2];
range.Style.Font.IsBold = true;
range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1;
range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid;
range.Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium;
// Expression caculation
// Create arithmetic tables enclosed type string
currentFormula = "=33*3/4-2+10";
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
// Caculate arithmetic expression
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
/// The mathematics function ///
//Absolute value function
// Create abosolute value function string
currentFormula = "=ABS(-1.21)";
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
// Caculate abosulte value function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
/// Statistical function///
// Sum function
// Create sum function string
currentFormula = "=SUM(18,29)";
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
// Caculate sum function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
///logic function///
//NOT function
// Create NOT function string
currentFormula = "=NOT(true)";
sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
//Caculate NOT function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right;
//String Manipulation function//
//Get the substring
// Build substring function
currentFormula = "=MID(\"world\",4,2)";
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
//Caculate substring function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right;
// Random function
// Create random function string.
currentFormula = "=RAND()";
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
//Caculate random function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
Tab 3
Imports Spire.Xls
Namespace DemoOnlineCode
Class CalculateFormulas
Public Sub demoCalculateFormulas(resultFile As String)
Dim workbook As New Workbook()
Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
Calculate(workbook, sheet)
workbook.SaveToFile(resultFile, ExcelVersion.Version2010)
End Sub
Public Sub Calculate(workbook As Workbook, sheet As Worksheet)
Dim currentRow As Integer = 1
Dim currentFormula As String = String.Empty
Dim formulaResult As Object = Nothing
Dim value As String = String.Empty
' Set width respectively of Column A ,Column B,Column C
sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 32)
sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 16)
sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 16)
'Set the value of Cell A1
sheet.Range(System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentRow), currentRow - 1), 1).Value = "Examples of formulas :"
' Set the value of Cell A2
sheet.Range(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentRow), 1).Value = "Test data:"
' Set the style of Cell A1
Dim range As CellRange = sheet.Range("A1")
range.Style.Font.IsBold = True
range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid
range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1
range.Style.Borders(BordersLineType.EdgeBottom).LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium
' Additive operation of mutiple cells
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).NumberValue = 7.3
sheet.Range(currentRow, 3).NumberValue = 5
sheet.Range(currentRow, 4).NumberValue = 8.2
sheet.Range(currentRow, 5).NumberValue = 4
sheet.Range(currentRow, 6).NumberValue = 3
sheet.Range(currentRow, 7).NumberValue = 11.3
' Create arithmetic expression string about cells
currentFormula = "=Sheet1!$B$3 + Sheet1!$C$3+Sheet1!$D$3+Sheet1!$E$3+Sheet1!$F$3+Sheet1!$G$3"
'Caculate arithmetic expression about cells
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula)
value = formulaResult.ToString()
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Value = value
' Set the value and format of two head cell
sheet.Range(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentRow), 1).Value = "Formulas"
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Value = "Results"
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right
range = sheet.Range(currentRow, 1, currentRow, 2)
range.Style.Font.IsBold = True
range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1
range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid
range.Style.Borders(BordersLineType.EdgeBottom).LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium
' Expression caculation
' Create arithmetic tables enclosed type string
currentFormula = "=33*3/4-2+10"
sheet.Range(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentRow), 1).Text = currentFormula
' Caculate arithmetic expression
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula)
value = formulaResult.ToString()
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Value = value
'The mathematics function
'Absolute value function
' Create abosolute value function string
currentFormula = "=ABS(-1.21)"
sheet.Range(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentRow), 1).Text = currentFormula
' Caculate abosulte value function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula)
value = formulaResult.ToString()
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Value = value
' Statistical function//
' Sum function
' Create sum function string
currentFormula = "=SUM(18,29)"
sheet.Range(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentRow), 1).Text = currentFormula
' Caculate sum function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula)
value = formulaResult.ToString()
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Value = value
'logic function
'NOT function
' Create NOT function string
currentFormula = "=NOT(true)"
sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
'Caculate NOT function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula)
value = formulaResult.ToString()
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Value = value
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right
'String Manipulation function/
'Get the substring
' Build substring function
currentFormula = "=MID(""world"",4,2)"
sheet.Range(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentRow), 1).Text = currentFormula
'Caculate substring function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula)
value = formulaResult.ToString()
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Value = value
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right
' Random function
' Create random function string.
currentFormula = "=RAND()"
sheet.Range(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentRow), 1).Text = currentFormula
'Caculate random function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula)
value = formulaResult.ToString()
sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Value = value
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace