Package com.spire.pdf.automaticfields

Class Summary
PdfAutomaticField Represents a fields which is calculated before the document saves.
PdfCompositeField Represents class which can concatenate multiple automatic fields into single string.
PdfCreationDateField Represents class to display creation date of the document.
PdfDateTimeField Represents date automated field.
PdfDestinationPageNumberField Represents class which displays destination page's number.
PdfDocumentAuthorField Represent automatic field which contains document's author name.
PdfDynamicField Represents automatic field which value is dynamically evaluated.
PdfMultipleNumberValueField Represents automatic field which has the same value within the
PdfMultipleValueField Represents automatic field which has the same value within the
PdfPageCountField Represents total page count automatic field.
PdfPageNumberField Represents page number field.
PdfSectionNumberField Represents automatic field to display
PdfSectionPageCountField Represents automatic field to display number of pages in section.
PdfSectionPageNumberField Represents automatic field to display page number within a section.
PdfSingleValueField Represents automatic field which has the same value in the whole document.
PdfStaticField Represents automatic field which value can be evaluated in the moment of creation.